Friday, November 25, 2011

My Cat is (Probably) Evil!

 I love my cat Khan. He's cute and fluffy and he has the most adorable and silly habits. However, I'm starting to think that he might be evil. It was just a sneaking suspicion at first - you know, I'd catch him looking at people with his eyes like he wanted to do bad things to them. I didn't really think much about it at first because Khan the cat is always nice as pie to me, but soon I started to see a different side to him.

The reasons why Khan might be evil:

 1. Khan flicks water on Shaun's face while he sleeps

See, Khan gets thirsty a lot at night and for some reason he prefers 'people water'. Usually he waits until we fall asleep and then he'll drink from the cup of water that Shaun often leaves beside the bed. Gross huh? Well, we worked out a way around this...or so we thought. We got a long skinny cup that he couldn't get his snout into.

Well, that didn't really work out. You see, somehow Khan worked out that his paw will fit into the cup and that he can then lick the water off his paw. So that's what he does - he puts his entire paw into the cup and lets his fur soak up water, then he pulls it out and licks the water off - the licking in turns flicks water onto Shaun's face and wakes him up.

So he's really get spitty water in the face. Huh. That's even grosser than I first thought. Ew.

2. Khan attacks people's legs

Mostly Khan attacks Shaun's legs but from to time he'll pick on someone else, like my friend Jenna who copped many a bite from Khan. I'm sure why he picks on some people and not others, but I'm guess it's dominance thing.

Khan isn't subtle about his attacks - he doesn't hide around corners and then spring it on you as a surprise attack, oh no, he will follow you around and then randomly bite you and spring away. Or he'll simply chase after you - biting and scratching at your ankle if you're too slow to jump away.

3. He covers everything in a layer of fur

Everything in our house gets covered in fur. It doesn't matter how much I dust and vaccuum; the cats hair gets on EVERYTHING - especially clothes and chairs. This isn't so bad for me because I always keep a sticky roller thing with me to get the hair off...but Shaun has no such luck. He gets hair all over his suits and has to spend large amounts of time trying to get it off.

(Shaun really needs his own sticky roller thing! Note to self: buy him one!)

4. Khan vomits in walkways

Yeah...and I'm pretty sure he does this on purpose. He can never cough up hairballs on the lino or the tiles, nope. It's always the carpet walkways...although usually I find his little disgusting presents before people step in the. Usually...

5. Khan knocks EVERYTHING off tables

Mmm hmm, Khan tends to sleep on tables and anything on the table will get knocked off. He doesn't even do it accidently - I've seen him knock things off with his paws on purpose.

The circle of items which we find surrounding tables has been christened the 'cat corona' by Shaun and my buddy Lucy. Yes, things get broken and yes it's annoying. Khan is probably evil.

However, despite Khan being evil (mostly evil to Shaun - except for that one time that he tripped me down the back stairs) he is still my cute little adorable kitty ^_^ and I love him!

Is your evil? Do they engage in any nasty little behaviours? Feel free to share them with me!

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