Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Migraine Worm

So a few nights ago I had a horrible migraine. I get migraines fairly often and have been off and on medication for them for quite a few years now - although nothing much seems to help stop them so I usually resort to taking Mercindol and knocking myself out for a few hours. Not the healthiest option, but the easiest by far.

I picture my migraine like a worm that is stuck in my brain. A horrible little worm that wriggles and bites and makes pressure build up. I hate the migraine worm.

Some interesting facts about my migraines:

1. I smell an artificial strawberry smell when I get migraines.
2. Artificial mint and strawberry lollies always trigger a migraine – even just the smell of them.
3. I always crave white bread or white rice before and after a migraine AND if I eat white bread and drink coffee when I feel a migraine coming on, I can sometimes prevent it.

I first started getting migraines in high school. I can remember sitting slumped in my chair in classes with my head on my desk trying to block out all the light and sound going on around me. I must say that I adore all my high school teachers for being so good to me throughout those years – never once did they yell at me or pressure me to get up and do work. They just let me be.

My migraines got progressively worse the older I got. By the time I was attending university they were horrible and lasted for days at a time. After one especially bad migraine I went down to the university doctor and encountered Doctor T.

Doctor T was probably not the best doctor for me to have seen. For one thing he seemed convinced that I was making it up and that I was just trying to get out of university classes and work. His response after I gave him my symptoms has stuck with me for all those years…

 I was not impressed! Luckily the second doctor I saw was much more professional and diagnosed me with chronic migraines.

Migraines have resulted in some very painful and embarrassing moments for me. For instance when I was in my last year of high school I went shopping up town and got a migraine. Normally this would be no problem but this was in school holidays so my parents were working, I didn’t drive and I lived several kilometres out of town.

 After vomiting violently in the public toilet in the mall I lay collapsed on the floor of the cubicle, my mind whirling over how many germs I must be lying in, but my brain and body were too pain racked to care. I eventually called my mum and she said she’d come and get me. I stumbled up and made my way out to the top car park near the movie theatre to wait for her. Unfortunately it was raining and cold outside but I was worried that if I waited inside I’d not notice my mother’s car, so I curled up on the ground in the rain to wait, only moving to crawl a few metres away to vomit.

It was horribly humiliating to be huddled in the rain in a public place with so many people walking past. Big thanks to the two women who stopped to ask if I was okay. There wasn’t anything they could do but they waited with me until my mother arrived out of the goodness of their hearts. I have no idea who they were…but thanks. I less impressed with the dweeb and his dumb blonde girlfriend who came over to see if I was "alive".

I’ve also spent time huddled under my desk at work with a migraine to escape the light and I’ve driven 120 kilometres in a car with a migraine, only pausing to pull over at truck stops and be sick. Big thanks to the random trucker who came to see if I was okay on this trip and gave me an unopened bottle of water and some gum during one of my vomit breaks. See? Not all truckers are evil!

Personally, I look forward to the day when scientists cure migraines or find some amazing way to stop the pain.

1 comment:

Gwen said...

Gah chronic migraines are not something I'd wish on even my worst enemy! :(

My Mom suffered from them, and would smell onions before them, so she'd always know when she was going to get them.

They never found out why she had hers, either.

Hoping that yours slow down! <3